June 9, 2013

EnEx is finally complete!

It seems like I've neglected this blog for quite some time.

I'll just make school my excuse. ;)

Anywho, I decided I'll share my studio recorded song that I composed, recorded and produced as part of my EnEx project! (for those who don't know what EnEx is, click here)
I can't even explain how excited and nervous I am to share it, but I've gotten some great feedback so far, and I'm hoping it will continue to be that way.

So, it's not a top hit or anything, but it's me. And I'm very proud of this, and how I've come so far in my musical endeavours. Honestly, I can't even believe I was given this opportunity. The entire atmosphere of working in a recording studio was incredible, and I'll never forget such an experience.

As for the song, I'll try to find a way to post it but blogger doesn't like me so I'm not sure how that will work out...