My song notebook isn't the neatest notebook in the world. Its full of ideas, doodles, "autographs", and of course, lyrics. Some pages of the notebook are REALLY neat. I mean, REALLY neat that it scares me. Sometimes its just plain messy. Ususally my best songs are messy because I keep on editing them over and over and over again. Then again, the songs that are written really neatly are also pretty good. Here is a page from my songbook.

See what I mean? THIS is what I call messy. The song is "Different Kind of Perfect" (which has already been posted on the blog)
Some pages are a bit NEATER...

DON'T JUDGE ME!!! My printing is normally neater. For some odd reason, I like to keep my songbook messy... it brings character.
PS- Normally, I would have freaked if I saw myself posting some pages of my songbook onto this blog... but I decided it would at least make the blog a tinsey bit more interesting... don't you agree??? :D
P.S.S- On the first song... the song is pretty much on one page... on the second song, I just posted the first side of the page, the song is double sided.
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