First of all, I would like to say that I'm really, really, really, super-de-duper sorry for not keeping my promise from the last post that I will post a new video. I should really just shut up.
I WAS BUSY, KAY? And no, no song today. It's a life story. (Time for Mani to get rambling!)
Anywhoo, I've had a bunch of people ask me how I got interested in this whole music biz. Now, if you don't want to hear all this mambo jumbo, well, feel free to browse around the blog. If you're really not interested in my blog at all, why are you even here? :P (but I love you for giving me a view!)
Alrighty, once upon a time, long before I wrote songs, I wrote poetry. Poetry about anything, anytime. Pizza, weather... you name it.
I was 6.
And when I was 6, I was randomly singing on top of the coffee table in the living room like there was no tomorrow. (My mom made videos. There's proof. I'm so glad I have no idea where they are.)
Shortly after, I wrote a song... about pizza...
Let's say there wasn't much going on at that time.
I was 9 when I wrote a song with meaning. My friend (*super talented friend) sang a poem of mine, and instantly said it was better off as a song.
I wasn't really a happy chap, I was a poet after all. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I was a better songwriter then a poet. Then I wrote more songs. And started singing them too.
And I got Tino. (my acoustic guitar, for those who don't know.)
I wrote more songs and poems. And I got Vannie. (my electric guitar.)
I wrote more songs and poems.... and here I am today!
That's it! A really lame story about how I got inspired to start pursuing music.
Oh, and I played piano during this story too. Ahaha.
Yuppers... *awkward silence*
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