January 17, 2010

In that little brain of yours...

You can express your feelings and emotions in any way; drawing, writing, singing, dancing... just about anything. I like to write. I like writing anything; from stories, to poetry but my passion is music. I love writing and music. To find a way to mix it together, I write lyrics. Writing lyrics is a lot of fun and its a way to get your feelings out. What is in your brain? Are you thinking of someone? Do you miss someone or something? Are you happy or sad? What are you feeling? You can put all that in a song and still make it sound good. Its easy to get your inspiration too. Listen to different kinds of music or take ideas from your friends. You can WRITE about your friends if you want. Its all up to the songwriter.

Now, you may be wondering... do you HAVE to sing to write songs? No. You don't. Personally, I like to sing too. Its a lot of fun, but you can just write songs. Now, what fun is it to write songs if someone doesn't get to sing them? You could have your friends sing them. Ask a family member. You don't even need anyone to sing them if you don't want to.

Lyrics are like poerty, some lines rhyme, others don't. There may be a certain amount of syllables in a line. In songs, there are verses. Poerty have verses too. (A.K.A. stanzas) If you write a poem, it can be easily converted into a song. Have a tune or beat. Add a chorus. Its up to the writer.

I wouldn't say that writing lyrics is the easiest thing to do... sometimes you get stuck on a line, other times, you can come up with a whole song in less than 7 minutes! It may be easier to come up with a tune than the lyrics or its easier to come up with the lyrics than the tune. There is just one thing that you should remember... (maybe I should remind myself too...) There is a message behind every song. Pretty much every song has a way to relate to everyone. When I write a song, I sometimes think about how it relates to me or how it relates to someone I know. The song may also relate to the listener too. =)