April 3, 2011

Home "Sweet" Home.

I've been home all day long. Gee, how wonderful, isn't it? What a great way to spend my spring break. I think this day has been wasted. I mean, seriously, I could have written a song.

But I didn’t.
I could have gone out. But I didn’t. I could have played outside; mainly because for once it’s actually nice outside. But I didn’t. I could have-

Yeah, you get the point.

I just didn’t, okay? I stayed home, sat comfortably on my sofa wearing my sweatpants, watched TV and didn’t do anything productive. Well, actually there was something productive.
I ate.

Eating food is quite an important and productive thing to do. If you don’t agree, then prove me wrong. I mean, eating is one of the ways that you’re healthy and ALIVE. Am I correct? When am I NOT correct? Probably one in a million.

I think I stretched that out a bit too far. Okay, I’ll go with one in a thousand.

Fine, fine. Okay. One in a hundred. Don’t push it.

As of right now, I’m sitting here with a notebook and a pen trying to come up with a new song. Honestly, I think I’ll end up coming up with a song at 3:00 AM, when I’m in the middle of a wacky dream.
When that happens, I don’t want to get out of my cozy bed and to my bookshelf and go through my however many notebooks I have until I find my songbook and try to write in the dark. Once I’m done, I get thirsty and I think to myself “Dude, you just wrote an awesome song. Now you must reward yourself with a cold glass of H2O.” 

Yes, I used a scientific term. 

Back to the story of my life. Do I go get a glass of H2O?

The answer my friend, is no. Why? Due to the fact that when a person, or to be exact, a family is asleep, people generally turn their lights off. Especially when it’s nighttime. No lights equal darkness. I don’t  like to go down the stairs when it’s dark and I prefer not to even walk around the house when I can barely see what I’m doing or where I’m going. I don’t have night vision. I consider you awesome if you do have night vision.

In other words, I’m too lazy to go downstairs, (in the dark!) and get a glass of water, then actually drink the water and go back up. 

Story time is over. 

Bytheway, I’m in the mood for a soft, chewy, chocolaty cookie. Yum. :)

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